Sunday 29 December 2013

Tons of kawaii tutorials!

I will still be doing tutorials, I just wanted to share to everyone this lolita tutorial site I found!
I was looking up lolita tutorials, and researching, untill I came across this awesome site, packed with tons of low budget tutorials! Here it is:

Thank you!


Becoming confident in Lolita fashion

Lolita fashion is a wonderful fashion to take part in. If you are a beginner, though, you may feel a little insecure about the lolita fashion. Not to worry my friend, you've come to the right place!

Step one. Finding the right lolita clothes 認定ザ·右洋服

Being a lolita is a free world. You don't have to be told what to do by other people, you are being you! Finding the right fashion, is finding the style of lolita that you fit most, that fits your personality most. For example, are you a sweet lolita, a classic lolita, or a gothic lolita.
Sweet lolitas are the lolitas who wear a lot of cute (kawaii) bright colourful outfits.
Classic lolitas can be a mix
And gothic lolitas are the lolitas who wear dark clothing.
You can find my listings on the cheap (but good quality) lolita stores online here:

Step two. Taking baby steps.小ステップ
For your first time, unless you are super super confident, just put on something simple, like a big bow 
headband. Walk to your parents, friends or just outside. You will soon become more confident after a while.           

Step three.  Add on more.加える
Add on more accessories. Keep doing this each day. For example, for day one you could wear a hair bow, for day two you could wear a hair bow and a lollipop necklace, for day three you could wear a hair bow a lollipop necklace and a japanese ring etc until you become more confident in Lolita fashion.

Now, once you think you are confident enough, pull out that wig, petticoat and dress. If you still aren't confident enough, then wear one of these big things each day, until you are confident you can wear them altogether!

I really hoped this helped you. These were the tips that helped me, and I hope it worked on you as-swell!

As always,
Sayōnara! さようなら

Cheap lolita fashion

Konnichiwa こんにちは

This post is going to be about cheap places for lolita fashion, for all you super savers out there! (I'm a super saver and i'm proud lol) Here is a list and description:

1. Ebay
I found this super cute lolita dress for a reasonable price here on ebay:

You can get many others for a good price on ebay aswell! Ebay is one of my favourite place for lolita dresses!

2. Bodyline
Bodyline isn't as cheap as ebay, but if you want good quality lolita dresses this is definitely the place for you!
 Here is the link:

3. Amazon
Amazon doesn't really do a ton of lolita clothing, and I wouldn't really call the lolita on this one super saving.
But when they do sell stuff, it is always very good quality.
Here is a link to a cute wig:

I found these super lolita lace shorts on this site for only £8.98! Here is the link:
Milanoo does more lolita stuff aswell!

And this concludes my post!
Sayōnara! さようなら

Lolita DIY: cute hair bow!

I got inspired by some kawaii hair clips I found in the store!

Firstly, roll a piece of polymer clay into a ball, and then flatten it. ロール粘土にボールと平らにする

Next, make two tear-drop shapes, and attach them to the sides.作る2涙図形と添付するそれら

using a ball tool or the end of a pin, make round indents in the side of the bow. 作るインデントでサイド

Bake your bow in the oven to harden 焼くへ固まる

finally, hot glue the hardened bow to a hair clip

Here is the final product, modelled on my twilight sparkle plush <3

Sayōnara! さようなら!

welcome to lolita blog!

konnichiwa! こんにちは!

Welcome to my lolita fashion blog! へようこそ私のファッションウェブサイト!

I will do kawaii fashion tutorials, kawaii outfits and many more lolita posts!

I hope you enjoy! 楽しむ

Sayōnara! さようなら!